Who is Fond

Hello! Before I introduce you to Fond, I'd like to tell you a bit about myself. My name is Fang, proud child of immigrant parents. I grew up and currently reside in Manhattan, Kansas. I know what you might be thinking - "Kansas, really?" - but with time I became fond of Manhattan. Growing up, I couldn't wait to move somewhere else, but as I've gotten older, I've learned to appreciate the community that has supported me and my family. My parents immigrated here in 1999, and the people of Manhattan, KS, have embraced us for the past 25 years. I can't thank them for the fond memories that I have cherished throughout the years. Now, let me tell you about Fond.

Reflecting on fond memories is a universal experience. It allows individuals to revisit cherished moments from the past, often evoking feelings of nostalgia, joy, and warmth. Ultimately, the best way to represent fond memories is to find what resonates personally and creatively express them in a way that brings joy, meaning, and connection. Whether through visual arts, music, writing, or everyday rituals, the goal is to honor and celebrate the beauty of cherished experiences. With Fond, we hope that we can help you represent those memories through our offerings.

What is Fond